Sunday, November 11, 2007

Self Esteem is for Pretty People

Feeling cynical today. So I’m going to get my rant on. Buckle up.

The beauty of being smart is that you can feel good about yourself without ever having to actually accomplish anything or produce anything worthwhile. You can give yourself a sense of entitlement and self importance that you in no way earned. It’s a lot like being pretty or athletic, only you have moments of insight into your bullshit.

On a related note, I’ve been thinking about what people actually appreciate in this world. If you look at how people use their time and spend their money. It becomes quite clear that some people are valued more highly that others. Attractive people make more money and get more attention from the opposite sex, smart people make more money and get more attention from the opposite sex, tall people with good hair make more money and… wait for it… get more attention from the opposite sex. You might criticize my use of compensation and status with the other gender as a metric for valuing humans. But guess what? That, my friend, is the coin of the realm.

“All men are created equal.” Horseshit, Bill. Everybody has heard this, and everybody pays lip service to it, all human life has infinite value and all that Kantian nonsense. But nobody, and I mean nobody, actually behaves like they believe it.

Words only have meaning if they have an underlying basis in reality. Watch. I’ll show you. “I’m a hippopotamus.” Guess what. I’m no more a hippo than I was before typing that. That was kinda fun. Let’s try it again. “I’m a super nice guy.” Nope. Still doesn’t quite translate. So much for the power of affirmations.

Anyway, I’ve almost decided that I’d like to do something worthwhile. Whatever the hell that is.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love the Horseshit Bill comment.